Moving your company in New York, whether you own a small business or a corporate giant, is a large undertaking. Between coordinating with your professional movers, communicating with your employees and mapping out the ins and outs of what’s going to go where in your brand new space, a major factor that business owners alike worry about is the security of their livelihood.
Besides the nitty-gritty of relocating your office, you will have to consider details such as how to secure your data.
There are some practical steps to making your move in general easier, from meticulously labeling your boxes to moving your laptops last, but in order to guide you even further, we’ve provided some handy First Class Tips to help you keep your business booming during your office move.
Because your friends at Steinway Moving & Storage don’t just aim to move you, we aim to help you.
The last thing you want to do is lose customers due to sheer forgetfulness. Make sure that all of your customers are properly notified about your relocation. Post signs in your office, send out emails, make phone calls, print it up in your newsletter, repeating these steps as friendly reminders while the moving date gets closer. (Steinway Movers Pro Tip: Have some wiggle room in your budget? Create some killer moving announcements.)
Change your address on everything
Don’t confuse your customers or partners by forgetting to change your address on your e-mail signature. It takes two seconds. While you’re at it, update your letterheads, business cards, web site, social media outlets, flyers and brochures as well. Nothing looks more unprofessional than a business that doesn’t know its own address.
Move in phases
Plan your packing in phases. Have your employees begin their packing several weeks before the move in small increments. Whenever they have some downtime, they can put a little away at a time of items that they don’t regularly use. By spreading packing out in to pieces, it allows the process to not have a negative effect on their actual work by not losing hours of valuable time cramming it all in to a day or two.

Shoot for weekend or off-hour moves
If it’s possible, try to schedule your move to take place on the weekend or during off-hours. Some large corporations actually do their moves in multiple stages, with one actually moving their 1,800-person company over a span of 4 weekends. Both Jackson Lewis and Blue Sky Communications are examples companies who have experienced multi-day complex moves by Steinway.
Consider your busy season
Think about when the busiest time of the year is for your company, and try to avoid it. Of course it’s not always possible, but if you can hold off on relocating your office to a time of the year when business is slower, aim for that. During a transition as overwhelming as an office move, being as settled as possible during your peak season is most ideal.

Throw a "new office" welcome party for employees and clients
Build your relationships with both your staff and your loyal customers by inviting everybody over to your new space for a party. It will help keep your staff excited during this transition, and it will help remind your best clients of your new location – and also, it’s an excuse for a party.
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