Sometimes figuring out exactly how to pack all that stuff and move it to your new home can be a confusing, and challenging, endeavor.
Sure, you might think you can do it all yourself, but sooner or later you realize how big of an undertaking, and how time consuming, it can be.
So now you might be thinking about getting some extra hands in there to help you out.
But who should you call? The professionals? Family? Friends?
Let’s think about it:
So really how much time can you dedicate to packing everything up? Even if you grab a few friends to assist you, odds are you don’t have many professionals in your midst. What would take professional movers a few hours to accomplish might take you and some friends a full day…or sometimes even multiple days!
If you need to get your packing done efficiently and quickly, calling in the big guys might just be your best move (no pun intended).
Are you heading to the bigger apartment on the next floor, or are you moving to an entirely new city? Generally, the longer and more complicated your move, the more likely it is that bringing in the pros would be your best bet. You may get away with some DIY moving if you’re simply heading across the hall or up a flight, but we recommend you consider professionals when you’re moving anywhere further.
Be honest here. This is your stuff and you want to take good care of it. If you have big ticket items that require special attention, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. If you’re only moving a futon and that coffee table you got at a garage sale, you’ll likely be able to get away with relying on your buddies. But if you’re moving a lot of furniture, heavy items, or objects that require dissembling and assembling, you’ll want the kind of people who do that sort of thing every day.
Really think about your possessions, your time and your traveling when deciding between using your friends for help or calling in the pros. With something as significant as a move, ensuring that all your belongings are well taken care of is super important. Nobody wants to open up boxes and find all their stuff broken because they weren’t sure exactly how to pack carefully for a long move!
That’s what the pros are there for.
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