According to a study conducted by Wallet Hub, New York ranked #3 on their list of 2015’s Most Eco-Friendly States, based on 14 key metrics of each state’s environmental quality and eco-friendliness of its policies.
Based on these factors, it’s no surprise that more New York business owners are looking to incorporate a greener way of living into the work place, including office relocations.
Depending on the quality, the average moving box can withstand three to ten uses before being recycled. That means that you can reuse your boxes or even share them with friends and family members who may be moving.
Reusable bins made out of recycled plastic can be used up to 400 times.
There are now eco-friendly alternatives to the traditional plastic bubble wrap, foam wrap and packing peanuts. Plain, unprinted newsprint is a perfect choice, and can be recycled too! Need an alternate to bubble wrap? Geami wrap is die-cut recycled paper that would be perfect for the job.
When you're seeking out an NYC moving company, look no further!
If you’re looking to help protect our planet, even just these few small adjustments to your office move would make a huge impact on the environment.
And you’ll probably feel really good about yourself after it, too.